Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Bathroom Organization

I thought I would share more details of our master bathroom, and how I keep things organized and mostly clutter free. When Whit and I moved in together, we were in a 700 sq ft. one bedroom apt. Now we live in a 5k+ sq foot home, but I still use the same type of principles I used back then... which was like 4 years ago so let's not be dramatic here ;). My thing is that I only keep stuff I use, and use often, and always remove all the packaging. So spring cleaning happens weekly/monthly around our house. Once shoes get ratty looking, toss. Clothes I don't wear over the course of a year or think- would I want to wear this to dinner with friends?- if the answer is no, it gets tossed. Taking bags of crap to the thrift store is almost a better feeling than finding a score from the thrift store. I have zero patience for having an online sale or garage sale, so I just donate everything. It's not like I am some great person, it is just easier that way! Don't make things harder on yourself.

The second part of this is that your storage areas don't have to be gross and overwhelming! Since I take off all packaging, I store our things in baskets and in old dishes/plates/jars. Opening drawers to find things laid out nicely in a cute dish makes me happy- is it the little things ya'll! I store the things we use most in the top drawer and work my way down- common sense approach to organizing. Keeping things out in the open and not stuffed in bags also helps save time searching for stuff. I have tried using multiple make-up bags for stuff and what wound up happening is that entire bags of make up would be neglected- pointless right?!

Top drawer- stuff we use daily- yes I use Whit's deodorant. Face wash and razors are in the shower. 

Second drawer is medicine, contacts, glasses, face masks,white strips and make up remover. Sorting things out by category into dishes helps realize how much you may have of one certain item. 

Whit is obsessed with travel size stuff, and follows TSA rules to a T- so a brass bowl stores these things (I carry on full size bottles #badass). Band-aides and surplus supplies are in the bottom drawer. 

Under the sink is for shaving stuff and then random things like baby powder, nail polish remover, poison ivy scrub for when I get it for the fourth time this year and stuff that is too big to fit into a drawer. Also- painting under the sink and inside the drawers white DEFINITELY helps make the space look bright and clean. I keep our towels out and stacked/folded on a chair or stool- which creates a lot more space for other things that can go under your sink. 

The scale- it is ugly but works, and I really don't like checking it... so it stays under the sink for when it is time for reality checks. 

And of course, gotta have a basket of TP! Which can be stored under the sink or by the toilet if there is space. The other side of this is the toilet bowl cleaner- which no one needs to see, because they are gross, idk care how nice the little container is that it comes in... 

Anyhoo, having our stuff organized is peace of mind for me. If you need some motivation to kick start this in your life, then I also suggest you read this book- I think after the first two chapters I took five bags of crap to Goodwill... after I had taken a load the week prior.

Happy Organizing! 


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